Monday, January 11, 2010

a Party

Stepping outside of the expected response can lead to really wonderful things. If you knew that people believe only what we tell them about ourselves , You would be more care about what we tell them.
The way you act does have a profound on whether people take you seriously or not or if you are successful in some other way.
Most people are just reactive when they are in a group. If everybody is being reactive then you have a lot of small talk and nothing of consequence takes place. But if you take the lead and talk about what is important people will gravitate to you like a moth to light. People are starving for substance in everyday speech. People have a deep need to have importance in their lives and talking about important things is the first step to doing important things.
Nobody on earth is no big deal. We are all huge deals and need to expect great things from each other. Wouldn't you love to go to a party and talk about tremendous things instead of small talk.
We do not have time for small talk.
Then it would never be just a party but a fantastic opportunity to exchange wonderful ideas.

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