Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Beautiful Line

All these blogs out there. Blogs are like emails that go out into the whole computer world. But somebody has to read them. Why Does anybody read anyones blog at all. 
I read them for ideas and inspiration. It is like looking at pictures in magazines. Ideas flood into your brain and lots of time they are useable. 
There is a firehose of ideas  written all over the net and in books. 
What I am looking for is a beautiful line.
A new line  to draw and then change it into a woman and a story. 
A great line has three qualities. Surprise, Relationship, and Infinity. 
Surprise because it is not expected. You could not have just made it up. It is a surprise to the artist as well as to the observer.
Relationship because something inside you has to say "Oh yes I know this from somewhere."
Infinity because it never gets old. It is always new a beautiful no matter how many times you have looked at it or read it. It resonates every time. That is a beautiful line!