Trying new things are scary. You dont know what will happen. I like Seth Godins idea of doing the thing that makes you nervous.
What makes you nervous and scared is what you should do. You are nervous because you will have a lot of pain if you don't succeed.
You have the most to lose and that is why you are nervous. The ironic thing is staying put is no less painful. doing nothing is doing something. It is killing time that you could be doing something you are afraid of doing. doing. Nothing is the worst thing you can do. Not changing is like being a sitting duck for somebody to pick you off.
Its better to try, try, try and do what you love than postpone trying till you have an easier time of it. You will NEVER have a better time than now, because now is all you really have.
I know a man who lost his job that he had for 20 years in lumber at 50 went back to school to be an xray tech and bought a fixer house at the same time. He was just going to tough it out. Then he had a heart attack and that set him back a bit with the surgery and recovery.
Now he has a job he loves and a house he totally redid and he is good to go in the body department. He is happy too. Really happy.
Nels Borg did all that and lived to tell us about it.
If you think about being scared think of Nels. At least you don't have a heart attack and if you do get one then still do it.