Monday, December 28, 2009


The beauty of brainstorming is that you get to say and write things down that are so absurd and wild and it is all good. Most of our lives we are trying to do something right, but brainstorms are like mind doodling . You just say and write down whatever pops into your head. What is really great is to do it in a group. If someone else says something it might spark another thing in you.
Even the most wacky can have something useable in it. All great ideas start with fragments of ideas. Nobody gets the whole thing at once. those pieces are important so you should write them down and look at them over and over. When I paint I like to look at the same magazines over and over for new fragments. I also look at old paintings and try and see what it was that gave it a special quality that made it sell.
Your clients can tell you something about what to look for if you can identify why they actually bought a painting.
What common thing do they all have.

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