Friday, October 2, 2009

great ideas

Ideas are meaningless unless you try them out, You dont know how to fight a war till you fight a war. You dont know if anything is true unless you try it out in reality.
All night long I get ideas and many times they slip away by morning. I have to write them down. I have to try them. It is a great feeling never running out of ideas for any problem. Each problem has more than one way to solve it.
The greatest hinderance to finding the best idea is to just take another one that has worked in the past and use it. We all do that constantly. Way less work that way. But it might not be the best way.
I have a problem. What does a different kind of gallery look like?? has everything been done. no only a few things have been done. What if there are fifty ways to run a gallery and have it be profitable. There are more than that.
This blows my mind when I think that I always stop at one or two ways.

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