Thursday, October 1, 2009

why buy art

One of my creative group member said that the need I fulfill in painting is something to hang on the wall.
I was thinking about that and disagree. The art that you pick out and pay for and hang on your wall is a total reflection of you. Everyone who looks at it, will have the honor of seeing you in a way that is profound. It reflects to everyone your home soul.

Art is always made to be in home not a museum.

It is personal and intimate and life giving.
Galleries exist to just move them to the right home.
Sometimes paintings sit for quite a while in the gallery. There is nothing wrong with it, it just hasn't found its owner yet.
Art that you save for and buy will be the most important thing in your house because you will think long and hard about a piece before paying hard earned cash for it.
My gallerist says that when people struggle to pay for a painting and then actually get it, it changes them forever.
You will get joy and nourishment from your artwork for years and years. Nothing else you can buy will give back to much.
That is why you buy art.

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