Thursday, February 26, 2009


I am dying to get into some more pink colors. My favorite painting I ever did is three french hens. . First it is mostly pink. second it is french and has high heels. third it has a window and it looks out onto a small village in France. Yes this is my favorite painting. It also has roses.  /all my favorite things. 

Creative thought for today is pink. color says something about you, no it says everything about you. 
I am pink on my insides. I used to be different. 
Is it because I had a grandbaby or is it because I am happy. Or is it something else. But right now I am pink. 
Find your color and have lots of it. I know this will sound weird but I think you are drawn to a color for a deeper reason than you just like it. Color has mood altering capabilities. It is deeper than just pleasure. 

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