Friday, February 19, 2010

The past , the present and the future

I tend to live in the present. I react to what is right in front of me right now. But I know that the right thing to do at all times is not react but be proactive. That is where you deal effectively with what you are facing right now.
The only way to be proactive is to be constantly aware of the past and the future as well as now. Our tendency is to just go on feeling well everything is always going to be the way it is right now. the old Buddhist saying "Be here now" is like that. But the problem with that is that you are saying that the past and the future are not important.
Why even have a past or a future if it is not important.
Proactive people use everything they have to make good choices.
The best and most wonderful thing about being proactive is no matter what you are going through right now you can be aware of the fact that there is something you can do about everything. You are not just floating in space but you can go in the direction of using all you know from the past and where you want to be in the future.
Its a very exciting way to live because we are not stuck no matter what happens to us.
I heard a sermon last Sunday about dealing with anxiety. We don't stick out head in the sand and not deal with problems but we do know who we can come to seek wisdom and help.
It is a fact that you can deal with upheavals a lot better when you are totally stressed out. Being full of anxiety blinds you to all the options you have available gleaning from the past the the future .
Proactive people are not spinning their wheels. They are moving ahead. Even though I know this, I have to practice it and that is what this blog is about.

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