Friday, February 26, 2010

shy people

People who say Oh I am just a private person and keep to themselves make me mad.
There is a difference between sharing useless information with everybody (blabbermouth) and sharing what you have learned that might help someone else.
The problem is you don't know what might help someone else at any given time.
Sometimes it is nice just to hear some good news from a friend because it gives you hope. Other times it is nice to share a burden they are going through, because it gives you a job of alleviating some suffering just by listening.
There is nothing that happens to anyone that doesn't at some time or another happen to us all and well we are all in this life together.
So I say horray for Facebook and twitter and blogs and letters and cards and all means of sharing life with each other.
We are sharing love and life and everybody benefits.
Everyone who is shy should think about this. Isn't it just a wee bit selfish to be shy. Give yourself away. You might have something I need right now.

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