Monday, September 28, 2009

A different kind of Paradise

Soap Lake is a remote small village really in central washington. It is similar to the small villages in France we stayed in.
Not much activity in the way of stores and people running around.
That is why we love it. The extreme quiet.No cars hardly/ You know most of the town in about a month of staying there, An amazing lake that is never the same two minutes in a row. Birds and wildlife that you don't usually see. Sun glorious sun sun sun.
Dry and Hot and healing. The air smells like sage when it does rain and is totally intoxicating.

wind that blows and beats the restless out of you.
There is no tv in the house there. We have books. You will want to read and look out the window for hours.
We hike and play golf on the most fun golf course in the world. it is rustic. We hit the balls into sagebrush off rocks instead of a manicured chemical laden lawn.
We find snakes and giant beetles and sometimes scorpions. We love to look at them basking in the sun.
The sky at night is full of stars animal cries in the dark.
The lake shimmers and glimmers and tosses and is glassy all in the same day.
We canoe across the lake and drip out arms in the warm water and drift off into dream land. No jet ski or speed boats. Sail boats and canoes. Quiet still . Having friends over is wonderful as you can really talk to them and be with them.
We hate to leave every time. We hate to leave and come home.

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