Saturday, September 12, 2009

a week after getting home

Travel for me is earth shattering.
It is hard to come back from the brink of euphoria. It is hard to drive down the streets of Tacoma and look at what we live with. I know this will sound awful but I an ashamed of what America looks like. In Paris and the south of France everything is clean and well cared for. Art is everywhere you turn. Little sweet nothings to walk by. How can they keep everything so clean???? 12 million people live in France. 12 million. New York has only eight million.
The astounding attention to detail in everything. Food, clothes, window boxes. Lettering. So life honoring.
that is the overwhelming presence there. Life honoring. It is unbelievable how few believer are there when if you think about it, I would expect such reverence for life to be coming from another source.
We who are given so much to work with, live in a disrespectful way from all appearances.
Why is there so much garbage on the roads here that they need people to clean it up all the time and fill garbage bags full, then a day later it is all back. Are people just throwing stuff out the window of their cars non stop.
How can the roads be pristine all over France. You would be hard pressed to even find anything along side the road.

I saw something else that was amazing to me. At night there was a van that was dropping off mattresses for the street people. It had some sort of Christian symbol on the van. They droop them off and pick them up in the morning. Can you imagine.

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