Saturday, June 19, 2010


I paint faces all day. every day. I never get tired of them. the variations of two eyes a nose and a mouth are infinite. What is most compelling to me is the fact that painting the same shape for they eyes can have a totally different look with the smallest of line alteration. And when the face is complete , I like to stare at it and wonder what this new person is like. How can a whole life be in a face. All the joy and experiences and sorrow and time. All written in a face.
even though I do not paint very distinct faces they all have a unique feel to them. Your mind has to fill in the lines.
sometimes I think people like a certain face because it reminds them of someone good in their life.
Thats what is great about doing simple faces. You get to personalize it.
Every person viewing a painting will have different emotion that they pick up. what is sad to one is intense to another.
always personal connections. Every face I paint I get enriched from it and it is sort of like meeting a new person. It makes me more alive and connected.

1 comment:

Phil Lewis said...

If you're going to keep two blogs, this one should have been on the Picture blog - easy to illustrate from your own works. :-|
