Friday, June 4, 2010


I was thinking again of the life suckers. Every time you a do a passive activity like watching television, it does soak some of your brain cells out,
Each time we actively have to work out a problem it builds your brain up so to speak.
The awful thing is you are either moving forward toward good or backwards toward bad. Nothing is stagnant. Nothing stays the same.
Each day that I write this blog I am trying to convey something you might need to know or at least something to think about. I do not want to waste your precious time with drivel.
Being proactive about time is essential to not going backwards.
I used to teach aerobics. No matter what I had to do it as I had a class that showed up every day. That was the biggest blessing to me. I had a lot of energy even though sometimes I would do a few classes a day. I was strong. The worst mistake I ever made was stopping teaching.

1 comment:

LeFebvre Momma said...

So true. I think some of the worst mistakes that parents make (myself included) are to forget that we are teaching. Our children are learning from us - therefore we too should be doing whatever they need to elarn. My daughter brushes her teeth(or not) because I do. She is polite (or not) because I am. She loves the Lord(or not) because I do. What better parents would we be if we remembered that we are teachers!!