Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Believe it or not anxiety is a necessary part of the creative process. I have been reading how even people with a track record a mile long of successes, have tremendous anxiety starting a new project.
I certainly do and I am thinking what am I going to paint. I have no ideas whatsoever and I feel like I am going to just plum run out of ideas.
This has never happened and in reality I doubt that it will so why do I feel anxious.
It does not happen in other areas of life . You don't stand and the fridge and freak out and not know what you will make for dinner. You just use what you have in there and make something.
Or driving a car, you don't sit there and say I hope I remember how to drive. No you just drive.
But the creative process is different and anxiety is a (get this) necessary part of it. Without it you would be arrogant and horrible. There has to be a faith involved in getting through the anxiety and relying not on our own selves but on God actually. We are creative only because he allows it to flow through us. Anxiety just reminds us "it ain't me babe"

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