Monday, July 12, 2010


Each person has a unique gift to give to the world.
Some people influence thousands and some influence millions.
The difference between influencing thousands and millions is one thing.
The more ways you can communicate what your gift is the more impact you will have on society.
People are always in the being influenced mood. Always.
Everything we read, see, hear, etc is influencing how we perceive the universe.
Seems like a simple thought , an obvious thought but I am willing to bet that you have not thought of it.
Influencing is not a passive thing. It is proactive. And being influenced is a totally passive thing. You just stand there and you get influenced whether you want to or not.
It really helps to be aware of this fact and make sure you are influenced by good and encouraging things so that you will not have the life drained from you.
YOU SHOULD BE A GOOD INFLUENCE TO EVERYBODY ELSE OR YOU WILL AUTOMATICALLY BE A BAD ONE. Nothing is not changing. Everything is always going either one way or another. Every second of the day is either going one way or the other.
And you are giving or you are taking. Give everything you have every day and make sure it is good you are giving.
Think this " What can I do to help?" If you are thinking that you will be fine. I hope you don't think I have this down at all , I do not . But I know it is true and I know that it makes life beautiful and meaningful and wonderful .
Selfish people are never never never happy, which is pretty funny as that is their main goal. They will never attain what they seek. In fact Selfish stands for So Entirely Lifeless Floundering in Shallow Hole.

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