Thursday, March 4, 2010

everything relates to everything

I was thinking how everything in life relates to everything else in your life.
The consequences of any action produce an opposite and equal reaction.
One example is moving furniture.
Changing the arrangement of furniture in a room will immediately make you feel better. Even if the new arrangement is awful it is healthy to do it for awhile. Face your bed in a different direction. You will have a new perspective not only in the room but also in your life. You will feel different for awhile. The air will be fresher and you will get new ideas that you would not get unless you moved the bed.
this is because you have done something different and that sets in motion and entirely new course of action for your life. Think I am being crazy here.
This simply is how our minds work. Your brain detects new information and adds that to your old information and proceeds to make sense of it. YOU will look for new and relevant information to make it fit in your head. That process alone will stimulate new areas in your mind that might have not been stimulated recently. Voila! new perspective. Try this and you will see it works.

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