Friday, March 26, 2010

my granddaughter

I have one granddaughter and she is the most wonderful creature ever to walk on this earth.
Every word out of her little mouth is full of delight and joy. Even when she cries , it is only for a few seconds (I think she feels obligated to do the baby thing every so often)
I love to stare at her face when she is asleep and try to vibe all the good things in this life for her that I can. I try and squeeze a billion tons of love into her soul so she will be strong and brave.
I do believe the more you encourage and bless your children and grandchildren they will grow up knowing how to trust . If you trust yourself and your parents then you will develop a healthy trust for God.
I was fortunate to have parents that made me eventually do that so I am grateful.
If you did not have such an easy time of it then you have to find people who will be like that and you have to be like that for the sake of your kids.
The great thing about this world is that there are lots of people to pick from. Lots and lots to pick from.

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