Wednesday, March 3, 2010

one way

There are a lot of ways to get to the same answer in Math. I was reading a math book as part of an exercise to confront something you are weak in. They said it right there in black and white. Lots of ways to get to the same answer.
If that is true about Math it is even more true with creative ideas.
The best thing in the world is to do what you love as a job. That is what everyone wants and needs to do. Good news is that there are a myriad of ways to get to the same place you want to go.
The only two ingredients you need are desire and a plan.
You don't even need a great plan. You just need to do the plan make adjustments , and do it again. You do that over and over till you are there.
Most people have the desire but think they need everything spelled out before they jump.
You don't need to know everything. You only need to know one piece of one thing and build on that. The rest will fall into place.
there are loads of books that say that but nobody believes them.
My husband needs to know what will happen next even though he is married to me and has seen me do things that I totally do not know exactly how to do. He has seen it right in front of his eyes and yet he does not believe it. He thinks I am unique.
I am not any more unique than he is.

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