Monday, March 8, 2010


I have found that the biggest obstacle to getting a project done is to start it tomorrow. Never do anything tomorrow. There are three reasons for that. You don't know what will happen tomorrow to block your good intentions today.
Saying you will do it tomorrow to yourself will start the ball rolling for it not happening tomorrow. Bad momentum .
And the third reason is the most deadly . Tomorrow is not guaranteed.
Every idea you have needs to be started when you get the idea. Write down the idea and do the first step. You want to run a marathon. write down what you need to do first and immediately do it. then you get going.
I am a big believer in rewards for taking the first step. The first step is the hardest and the most crucial.

1 comment:

LeFebvre Momma said...

I totally agree - I do this mostly with food or sewing. I always want to try making ____ tomorrow when I have time. Or I want to try to finish KayLynn's doll tomorrow - I tr to remind myself that I can only get things done today because who knows what tomorrow will bring.

Thanks for the reminder!