Saturday, March 13, 2010


There are two kinds of seeds. Good seeds and Bad seeds. Those are the only two camps of seeds.
Bad seeds are sneaky and can look like good seeds(reason) then can quickly start growing doubt and become what they really are =bad seeds.
Examining seeds that you put into your mind each day will shock you. I know that if I really think about it, I think many bad self questioning what's the use type thoughts a day. Even though I am a basically positive person and even strive to grow that area of my mind each day, still things slip in and start growing. Oh my goodness, it only takes someone mentioning that they don't think this or that idea is very good and I start going down that well maybe they are right path.
The truth is every idea you have that is hard to do will meet all those people. Just because they couldn't do it does not mean you can't do it.
I am talking creative endeavors here.
I want desperately for the lava lamp to be built in Soap Lake just because nobody knows how to do it and it looks too hard to actually do it but well my goodness if a man can walk on the moon then someone should be able to build a lava lamp that is 60 feet tall in Soap Lake. Don't you just want them to do it. It would be a testimony to everything that is really hard but really good.

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